《回家了》I’M HOME
After graduation, Jay reluctantly returns home to reunite with his father, from who he has grown apart. After a long day of exploration in the old house that he does not recall, Jay recollects pieces of memories from his parents' old collections and photos that prove his father's love for him.

《回家了 I’M HOME》- 短片 Short Film

獎項 Awards
報導 Press Releases
Film Daily - Spotlight Interview
Roma Prisma Awards - Interview
Taipei Film Festival - Gala Presentation Page
Yahoo Interview - 獲獎作品開啓電影人生 新銳導演巫軒瑋《回家了》登台北電影節
Christian Daily Interview - 回家了!班鐵翔主演、25歲新銳導演作品登「台北電影節」大螢幕
Impact Chinese Christian Tribune - 台灣微電影躍上國際舞台奪兩殊榮 - Z世代導演巫軒瑋獲美基督教影展肯定 戲裡叫人看見福音